Advancing Research
When donated umbilical cord blood units do not qualify for public banking, they can be used for non-clinical purposes such as research, training, and validation studies.
The Bloodworks Northwest Cord Blood Services department makes high-quality products available to outside facilities for these purposes. Consent for research is obtained from the donor mother for all units offered for non-clinical use. Units offered for non-clinical use are de-identified, and no information from the donor can be shared.
If you are interested in obtaining products for non-clinical use, please fill out the Request for Donated Cord Blood for Non-Clinical Use. Return the form to [email protected]. Alternatively, mail the form to:
Cord Blood Services
Bloodworks Northwest
921 Terry Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104
If you have any questions, please call 1-800-DONATE-1, ext. 6696 or email [email protected].