Biological Products and Services: Cancellation Policy

Change orders and cancellation notices on all orders must be submitted to Bloodworks ([email protected]) and receive acknowledgement in writing.  Cancellations of products in the following categories will result in the following fees:

Product Type Timing Charge
Whole Blood Less than 24 hours $100
Leukopaks Less than 2 weeks

Less than 3 business days

Less than 24 hours



100% of list or quoted price

Fresh Isolated and Custom Frozen Cells Less than 2 weeks

Less than 3 business days

Rescheduling Fee

75% of list or quoted price

100% of list or quoted price

50% of list or quoted price

Fresh PBMCs Less than 3 business days 25% of list or quoted price
Mobilized Products Less than 1 week*

Less than 3 weeks*

*rescreening fee may apply

100% of list or quoted price

50% of list or quoted price

All change fee and cancellation policies for special projects or indicated in Scope of Work documents supersede the above listed fees.  Rescheduling subject to donor availability.  Postponements or new requests with a rush requirement of less than 3 business days may be subject to an additional $100 rush fee.

Your gift of blood, time or money saves lives.