Blood Type A

A Positive (A+) and A Negative (A-) are two of the most critical blood types that support patients in our local hospitals. Learn more about type A blood.

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30% of the population has the A+ blood type.

A+ Blood Type

A+ is the second most common of the 8 blood types

If you are type A+, your blood can help patients with AB+ and A+ blood types. 

Your blood type is ideal for platelet donations. Platelets are needed to stop bleeding — these blood cells collect at the site of an injury and help the blood to clot. You can make a platelet donation every 7 days, and 7 days after a whole blood donation. Most platelet donations help 2-3 patients! Learn more about platelet donation.

6% of the population has the A- blood type.

A- Blood Type

A- is one of the rarest of the 8 blood types

Only 6% of the population has type A- blood. If you are type A-, your blood can help patients with AB+, AB-, A+, and A- blood types. 

Your blood type is ideal for a Super Reds donation. You can donate just red blood cells through an apheresis (ay-fur-ee-sis) donation, a special kind of blood donation that allows a donor to give specific blood components. During an apheresis procedure, all but the needed blood component is returned to the donor

This Super Reds donation results in twice as many red cells for patients, and it allows you to donate just three times a year with the same impact as donating whole blood six times a year. Give it a try at your next appointment.

Facts and Figures: Type A Blood

Approximate distributions of blood types in the U.S. blood donor population.

A+ is the second most common blood type, representing 30% of the population. But only 6% of the population have A- blood, which places it among the rarest blood types. Together, 36% of Americans have type A blood.


Only recipients with some combination of the A blood type can receive a transfusion from type A- blood — so, recipients with AB+, AB-, A+, and A- blood types can all receive type A- blood. A+ blood can only be received by those with AB+ or A+ blood.

Learn About Other Blood Types


Your gift of blood can save lives.